Million Dollar Agent
Million Dollar Agent
High Impact Activities - New Year New You!
Let's kick off the 12th year of the Million Dollar Agent podcast!
- Real Estate Gym's 10th Anniversary: Discover how this training program has transformed countless careers and learn how you can become part of the monthly accountability program to supercharge your success.
- Effective Marketing Strategies: The impact of being humble and client-focused should not be underestimated. Learn how to make your listings stand out without the fluff.
- Mastering Client Relationships: Learn the importance of maintaining strong connections post-sale, leveraging the peak-end effect, and turning every transaction into a lifelong client relationship.
- High-Impact Activities: Get actionable tips on prioritising your daily tasks, making crucial "now phone calls," and managing your time effectively.
- AREC 2025: Mark your diaries for AREC 2025 on the Gold Coast on May 25th and 26th.
Tom Panos, john McGrath, troy Malkin the band is back together for 2025. We keep going, guys from 2013. If I can recall, troy, that is the date that Million Dollar Agent, the podcast commenced. It's been going now for 12 years. Welcome back for another year, gentlemen, tommy. Troy podcast commenced. It's been going now for 12 years. Welcome back for another year, gentlemen.
John McGrath:Tommy Troy big year Now. Tommy. I ran into Benji Marshall and Robbie Farah the other day, down in your favourite park.
Tom Panos:So tell me, John, just tell me one thing Were they smiling?
John McGrath:No, no, neither was smiling, but Robbie's pretty intense and Benji was just not in a smiling mood. But yeah, it was good to see. I said to them both I said I think you blokes have got the roster this year to make a massive impact in the comp. So I think they do. I think that Jerome Luai he's an extraordinary player, so that should be good. So go the Tigers this year, my second team, and no, that was good. And also I heard someone talking the other day that the real estate gym is back on and about to close its doors.
Tom Panos:Yeah. So, John, I'm like any time fitness and any person that's looking for a change at the start of the year real estate gym. We open it up at various times in the year and January is our big intake. We leave it open for a week after Australia Day because we know that a lot of people have got get Australia Day out of the way, get the Australian Open, and you've been very kind to join me on a monthly basis on our accountability program. So any of our gym members that want to be in that just send us an email to info at tompanoscomau and just put in the subject box accountability and we will send you the details. But, John and Troy, I'm excited. Did you know that it is actually 10 years the real estate gym has been going? This year is 10 years, Well done.
John McGrath:Congratulations. You know the nice thing, tommy, and I'm not pumping your tyres up, but you imagine how many lives you know. Your business has changed because so many of the people and we're fortunate that some over the years have found their way into our camp, which is wonderful. But there's so many people that I bump into at ARIC and other events and they've been to your gym and they've just grown. And you know Ethan Ethan he that you know is a part of our network now and he's a 200 sale a year guy and there's just so many great people. So congratulations on making a difference and, as Matt Steinway said, it's the best value in Australian coaching. And if Matt Steinway said it, troy, it's got to be right, it's got to be true.
John McGrath:It has to be right. It has to be right. Hey, troy, interesting. Tom just mentioned F45. Just where we're living at the moment with the dogs, in Breakfast Point, there's an F45 banner just down the street. So it's funny, tommy, how marketing can either work or not work. And this worked particularly well.
John McGrath:And I was talking to the other day at our Kickstart event and I was saying that salespeople are wordsmiths. You must realise that what you say and how you say it, whether it's to a buyer or a seller or a tenant or a landlord, can have a massive impact on the outcome. It's not just about turning up and saying something. You've got to select your words properly. You've got to, you know, be able to influence. Anyway, this little banner says 45 minutes is only 3% of your day, get exercising, or something like that. And I just thought it's the way you say something and whether it's a statistic or a word metaphor or a word picture or something. So I just thought that's good marketing, troy, and I know you probably spend what 12% of your day there at the gym, the way you're looking.
Troy Malcolm:I wish, but it's true. It's true. I mean the hook and the motivation and the way that resonates with people, john, can make a huge impact. And it's sometimes, you know, words can change lives and language is important, as you said. But I think those little messages and when real estate agents are out there, the right words at the right time, can have a really big impact on decisions for both buyers and sellers.
John McGrath:Well, troy, there's no argument. When someone says, get to F45, it's only 3% a day, you kind of take away the argument that I'm too busy. I'm too busy and Tommy, before we finish the gym, what's the cost of it? I actually don't know.
Tom Panos:Real estate. Gym membership is $6.50 a year or $65 a month.
John McGrath:So there you Real estate. Gym membership is $6.50 a year or $65 a month. So there you go.
Tom Panos:Cost of a cappuccino as they say, cost of a cappuccino. If I had a marketing manager like F45, I would say less than well, let me work it out. Yeah, less than a coffee a day. It's about $2 a day. Having said that, believe it or not, I ran into one of the founders in Byron Bay who I've known prior of F45. Yeah, and his name's Adam Gilchrist. I don't think he's got anything to do with it. He's got the same name as the cricketer and you know, it made me realise. Made me realise the industry of health and fitness. It's such a big market because everyone's a prospect. And then I thought to myself hang on a second. Everyone that owns a piece of real estate is a prospect for a real estate agent. It's a big audience. If you think about it, it's not like you've got to think to yourself. Oh, I actually. I think Alexander Phillips once said it if they own a property in my area, they are a prospect. End of story.
John McGrath:Tommy, you add to that, and I think I might have mentioned it here and I don't recall who said it, so apologies if you're listening, but someone other than me said it. But I picked up on it and they just said you know, the beauty of our industry is I know where to find my prospects. They drive their car into their garage every night, and I think that's the simplicity and the beauty that there are. Sometimes it's very hard to find the person that can say yes or no to your proposition In real estate. They're probably within seven minutes drive of your office and every night you know where they are. So I think that's important. I've got a bone to pick, though, not with you guys, but with the industry A sick and tired Troy of these egocentric buffoons that go out there and it's all about them and it's all about what watch they bought last month and it's all about what car they've leased.
John McGrath:And I've been watching a few of these I get sent. I actually don't follow hardly anyone on social media except you, tommy, to be honest, but people send me these things and you know, when they see them and they're kind of they can't believe it. And I've been seeing some auctions lately because some of these guys are sort of videoing their auctions. You know, their egos are so big. They're videoing their auctions and they're sending them out and I reckon, without doubt of a lie, that the performance of the agent is now being impacted to the negative. This is a couple that I've been sent because their ego is so big. They're putting on such a bloody show for Instagram and there's been a few, troy, and you're a great auctioneer and so are you, tom. So you guys know what I'm talking about. At the end of an auction, for me, if I get you one extra thousand dollars, I don't care if it's 10 million or if it's 3 million or 400,000, if I can help get you 1, 2, 5, 10 or 20,000, I've done my job.
John McGrath:But I'm seeing these guys because they're massive egos. They're just whacking things down in some theatric kind of screaming manner and I'm thinking, no, you should be going over and talking quietly to your underbidder and the auctioneer should be giving time and rather than the auctioneer trying to wind up some cute phrase to end their Instagram post on, they should be saying because I saw them the other day and let's say it was a million three, they were saying a million 325,. You're done, finished, sold. And I'm thinking you didn't say to them, sir, underbidder, sir, I'm going to give you a thousand dollar rise, don't miss this for a thousand.
John McGrath:The things that a good auctioneer would say, because I could see this auctioneer was so infatuated with their own personal profile and so full of it, and I just thought, you know, this is really getting dangerous because this industry performance that we've seen growing over Instagram the last few years is not only, in my opinion, nauseating. It's actually now starting to impact performance and what clients receive, and, at the end of the day, they're paying us to get the highest possible price. So, anyway, guys, keep your feet on the ground. We ain't saving lives. The better you are, the more humble you should be. Get rid of this crazy egocentric. One day, troy, they might listen. Let's move on, tommy.
Tom Panos:So, john, I just want to touch on that I had someone say just before Christmas I heard it. This is a person not in real estate. He goes. The problem with following real estate agents is they post trophies, not content, and I thought to myself that was beautifully said. They post ego, not info, and I think the first agent in a marketplace that leaves the perception to their community I am the agent that brings the community together. I'm not on the fringes. I'm not using it as a platform to build my self-esteem. My ego does not need to be validated. I think that person is going to stand out in every suburb. The market's dying because we know that newspapers used to be a way that you'd be able to build a personal brand. You can build a personal brand in a fraction of the time now, but it's not just being nailed. But look, some people do it better than others, but overall I think the score's low. You don't see a dentist put hashtag 10 root canals today, exactly.
John McGrath:Well, the other thing, troy I was watching. I was doing some coaching with Gus Camden, who's a superstar of ours. He's on the Central Coast. Tommy works in Matt and Jamie's team up there. He's going to be a superstar agent and we were going through this morning while I was doing coaching about different agents not his, but different agents' profiles on Instagram and he wanted to know what I felt was a good way of presenting a property. So we looked at some of the and again, I'd say the same thing about presenting a lot of properties Agents and I encourage agents to be part of the Instagram presenting the property because you can definitely add value in that but again, a lot of them. It's becoming all about them and I'm thinking all I saw in that 60-second clip was like 50 seconds of you and you trying to show off how good you are and 10 seconds of the property Like aren't you trying to sell the property? So, guys, 2025 is the year of humility and let's focus on doing a great job as a real estate agent and becoming an attraction agent, not showing off Now.
John McGrath:Yesterday we had our kickstart, tommy, and I'm not going to talk about that, but I am going to talk about a young guy. We interviewed youngish guy. We interviewed Nick Dunn, nicholas Dunn, nick Dunn. Now we've got two Nick Dunns, one in Byron Bay and one in Willoughby. This was the Willoughby Nick Dunn. Nick and he sat on a panel and you know, troy, all three of them were brilliant. It was Armit, rhys, christophers, armit and Nick Dunn. They were all brilliant people.
John McGrath:Anyway, everyone's telling me how tough they're finding the market. And Nick Dunn, who's only a few years out into being an agent and he's going to hit 2 million GCI or more this year, which is a good number, and his average days on market average days on market is nine days and it's just interesting that so many people and I've seen the average days on market go from 28 days to 45 to 60, and Nick's is at nine and the prices he's getting are extraordinary. I just wanted to share with all of our listeners. He's got a fairly simple process and it involves Maggie, his team. So basically he's got three quarters of the entire suburb fully databased and I'm saying a fit, healthy database name, number, email address, property categorised into different price ranges and styles. He's got a comprehensive. So that's a great starting point and his aim is to get the entire. He's got about a quarter to go, but what he's doing is he's launching a new listing and he sends out how many Troy was it? It was like a few thousand right, yeah, closer to 2,200,.
Troy Malcolm:John, he sends out pre-launch.
John McGrath:Yeah, so you imagine, tommy, you've listed 10 Smith Street. It's in Willoughby, it's 2 to 2.2 million. You send out 2,000 email sorry, text messages text messages and these are to active buyers that have been looking over the last few months for a property like that in that price range. So he sends out 2,000 and he says we're going to have a VIP open. This is prior to the launch of the campaign. Love you to come along.
John McGrath:He invites buyers, agents as well, to that and he says off the back of that he normally gets 10 to 20 people through that inspection and he says A the feedback he gets to do a price check to work out whether they're on mark or off mark with the price is just so valuable. Now this is normally two or three days after he's listed it. So that's really important. Two is he says that that usually takes place on the Thursday before the first Saturday, so then he's got the public viewing and then by the Monday, tuesday often he's got signed contracts with quality offers and competitive tension and he's selling for great prices within just over a week of listing the property. So I mean to me that's like absolute precision. You know we often talk about military precision, troy, and I think that's why you know you've got to ask yourself what is your process? Is it fast enough? And I only say fast, because the more urgency and the more energy and the more excitement that goes into a new launch, the more likely it is to sell for a great price, whereas a lot of agents first thing they do, tommy, is they say, oh, the open's on Saturday week, there's no hurry, I'll get some photos next week and I'll put it on REA and Domain and McGrath and Nick Dunn. By then he's had the photos, he's had 15, 20 people through it and by the time he hits his first open home it's almost sold. So please don't blame the market. Everybody there is. This is again the year to get rid of excuses and create a process. And the other thing, tom and I'll leave it after that.
John McGrath:But I said to these guys you know, like you can now in this industry, if you're pretty good and pretty committed, you can earn seven figures. If you're very good and very committed, in most markets that can be multiple millions of dollars in GCI. You look at oncologists, you look at brain surgeons, you look at most people who are the best in far more important fields, to be frank, than real estate in the world, and the best of the best are generally earning $500,000, $600,000, $700,000 if they're blessed and lucky and at the top of the tree. So what does that mean? That means that if you get serious about real estate and you master it and you get the words right and you have a strong ability to handle an objection rather than going to water or becoming adversarial, you can end up being one of the highest paid people on the planet. And yet a lot of people still.
John McGrath:I say you know zero to 10, what's the quality of your listing presentation? And I get answers like six and I just think what the hell? Why would you be a six in an age where you can go to and put listing presentation world best into Google and get a million responses? And I just think it's about effort, it's about belief. So anyway, that was what I was thinking about yesterday, that it's all there for them, troy.
Troy Malcolm:Yeah, john, one of the things that I did notice in that presentation, john and the panel that you had each one of the speakers actually creates their own market momentum. Nick, with the number of days on market, it was obviously talking a lot about the volume of market and I think if you look at those two examples, it really makes sense that they're not worried about what the media is saying. They are focused on the property and the listing that they've got. They're setting expectations of buyers and sellers and you can see why they're getting results because they are very, very clear on the expectations of both parties as well.
John McGrath:Well, true, we call that inner market, don't we? Internally, the only market that matters is what's going on between your ears and your attitude and your proactivity and your attention to detail and your service ethic and your product knowledge. That's the only thing that matters, nothing else. Don't worry about when interest rates are going down. They might go up, they might go down. Don't wait. Don't wait for your number one competitor to retire in four years. Just take control of your market. Learn it the best way. And you know, have a nine and a half out of 10 listing presentation, tommy. And you know I just think it's there for the taking, but you've got to stop making excuses.
Tom Panos:And we've seen. We talked about Nick Dunn. I know that there are two Nick Dunns in your organisation. One of those is in Byron Bay. He is, and I've been coming and going back and forth. I didn't even realise Nick Dunn in Byron Bay is of Greek origin. Of course, Kithra, Kithra.
Tom Panos:And we're in the same pickleball. When I'm in Byron, we go this is fresh off the press. And this is interesting because I was talking to a Byron Bay agent and he said oh, nothing's happening at the moment, mate, it's all. Yeah, we're all sharing Mo. And then I just found out it is now official Nick Dunn has sold the property there for $33 million.
John McGrath:Yeah, just over Shane Smolin, who's obviously been a big part of our McGrath family for a long time, and it's just been announced that Nick has just closed the deal at just over $33 million. And you're right, you know so. If you read the headlines, oh, you know big deals aren't happening, but I've got to tell you, internally, we've seen a huge surge of big deals in the last seven days, to be honest. So, yeah, it's all a matter of just getting your own act right, not listening to the media, not listening to competitors, not worried about competitors and just focused on the stuff that you control. As they say in stoicism control the controllables.
Tom Panos:I think right now the most useful thing an agent could do, as this is being taped today, I'm trying to think, as we're broadcasting this today, we've just had some news of inflation numbers come out and now all of a sudden you've got most of the banks that are saying look, there's a rate cut coming, most likely now in February. The stock market has already priced it in and if it's not going to be in February, they meet again in April and if it's not in April, they meet again then in May. But I think a really good conversation right now is agents should be getting onto their database, onto past people, and reminding them when you do get news that rates might go down. That actually gets the smart buyers trying to get that first move advantage. And if there's not a lot on the market, what you'd be wanting to do is to get your owners because you owe them the courtesy to sell when there's less on the market than they're being flooded on the market. And they're the sorts of calls and what I wanted to move into, troy and John, is you can't see it, our listeners right now can't see it, but on the screen I've got a slide that I've been using in business plans that I've been working with real estate gym members and one of the things is to make sure that you don't fall into the trap of not managing free time effectively.
Tom Panos:In fact, I would go as far as saying, whenever I meet someone out at an airport or at a shopping center or out in the street, they say, tommy, I used to be in real estate center. Or out in the street and they say, tommy, I used to be in real estate. You get talking to them and you realize they used to be in real estate and aren't in real estate anymore for two main reasons. Number one, they personalize not being liked or rejection. And number two, they couldn't manage free time. They felt more comfortable working as an employee at JB Hi-Fi or wherever they are, where they're told just do this Customer, you know? Cashier number seven.
Tom Panos:So if it's okay, john and Troy, I want to just yell out some of these high impact activities that should be in your diary Diaries. Don't lie. Whatever's in your diary is telling you what you value. So if it's okay, I'll run through a few of these and then I'll just get you to chime in and add your views. The first one I've got is the now phone calls. Now phone calls are to people that are in now mode the vendor that's about to put the property on the market, the buyer who's been looking for 12 weeks and has seen 13 properties and has missed out on an auction twice and has made an off on something else and missed out on it. They're the calls the now buyers, now sellers to the fit people in your database. I think it's critical. I think another high-impact activity is there has never been a vendor that has ever called Consumer Affairs or Office of Fair Trading and complained about being over-serviced. My vendor is just giving me too much service. I don't want them ringing him. So we know that calling current vendors is a high-impact activity Making sure that you do what Nick Dunn has done in the north that you spoke about, and that is very early giving feedback from the market to help make sure that the price is meeting buyer expectations and ensuring that also some of those other activities I've got there.
Tom Panos:One that I particularly want to talk about is and I can't remember who told me this activity, but it's every time you sold a house if you showed up and made sure you capitalised on that final inspection before settlement. It's called the peak end effect. That's what the buyer will take into the street and talk to the other neighbours about. What was it like that last experience? Now, john and Troy, I've seen a lot of great agents do everything right, but they see the final inspection before settlement as some thing that needs to get done. It's a low priority. You might have done everything perfectly. You go there, you get there late. You know thing that needs to get done. It's a low priority. You might have done everything perfectly. You go there, you get there late. You make the buyers feel uncomfortable, that you know. Can you please get it done quickly? You're on the phone during the inspection talking to other people.
Tom Panos:The buyer then moves into the area and they think that was the last experience. What if you showed up, gave them a gift I don't't know, a voucher to hungry grasshopper cafe in haberfield or wherever you're working and then turn around and say, as of tomorrow, when this property settles, you're going to be a vip client for life and as part of it, I will make sure that I'm providing you with a health update on your asset, everything you need to know. In fact, let's lock it in now 15-minute pop-in this time next year. Troy John, I've seen agents do this If they sell 50 properties, they got 50 locked-in pop-ins the following year and if they do another 50 the year after, that's 100. By year five, if you do this right, you're not going to be doing cold door knocking You'll have, you know, 200 pop-ins that you're popping in and seeing raving fans. Yeah, it's true, tom?
John McGrath:No, it's true. I think you know that last impression impact is critical and a lot of agents they sort of you know they start detaching themselves once the sold sign goes up and I've always had the view that the real relationship begins the minute the sold sign goes up and I think that's really, really, really critical. And I love this concept of the now core because it reminds me of the late great Ron Pillinger, father of Brad Pillinger, who's a great agent, and Ron passed away many years ago but he was the guru when I was coming through the ranks as a youngster and he used to say to me his number one strategy was every morning he'd go into the office which property do I have is closest to getting an offer or getting an offer accepted or exchanging, and which of my potential listings is closest to me getting a signature on the bottom line so I can get it signed up. And he was just like really prioritising the energy that he put into each day and that you know that philosophy got him to number one Really incredible. So I think this Now Phone Call a lot of the Now Phone Calls that need to be done today in many parts of Australia because the values have shifted is giving vendors a call.
John McGrath:And I'll give you a quick little example. I did a coaching session a couple of days ago with another one of our top young guys from the Central Coast not Gus, another one and he was telling me that you know he's got a few that are a little bit overpriced and he's really not sure what to do. And I said pick up the phone and just have a business conversation with the owners. And we went through. I said pick out one exactly, specifically, and let's do a role play, which we did. And you know, in rough terms, the owner was wanting, you know, 1.5 and the market was saying 1.2 or thereabouts, for example. And at the end of the phone call, you know we role played it a few times and he went away with more confidence.
John McGrath:Got on, the phone rang up, vendor had a half-hour phone call, rang me back. He said I'm so energised. He said I know more about the vendor now. The vendor's opened up to me. They really respected me, bringing forward my recommendations. They've agreed on a 1.3 to 1.4 price range. So I was much closer to come down, much more aligned to where the market was. And the vendor thanked him and he says I'm now re-energised about the property.
John McGrath:So again, the calls you've got to make priority calls are making sure everything is aligned to where the market is, troy, making sure the top prospects that are on the verge of making a decision they hear from you this morning and the buyers that are thinking about making an offer or in negotiation on any of your listings. If you do nothing more for the first couple of hours in a day than make those important phone calls, your day is going to be a terrific win. So I think it's really critical to focus on the things that are going to yield the strongest outcomes straight away. That doesn't mean you ignore the longer term pipeline. People are going to list in three, six, nine months, but your priority on a daily basis must be the business that's there to be had today, troy.
Troy Malcolm:I was going to say John and Tom and to just reiterate to all the listeners they're not hard phone calls to make. They're not difficult calls to make. They should be upbeat, they should be energized, they should be positive, but they're not difficult calls. The core reluctance around that is the fear of what the other person may say. But as soon as you make one, two, three of those in each session of each day, you're going to get momentum.
John McGrath:And the energy that gets unlocked. Troy, as he was telling me today and I said exactly that you ring up and say look, I'm really concerned. Mr Smith, you've entrusted me to sell your property. We've now had it on the market for eight weeks. It was actually five weeks, to be frank, five weeks.
John McGrath:This is a pivotal point. If we're on the market in another five weeks it's going to be impossible to get the highest price. It starts looking stale. People track the digital footprint. They know it's been on the market for 10 weeks at that point and all of a sudden people assume there's a problem.
John McGrath:And I said so if we adjust the price now, create some competitive tension, and we're going to get a new market through it, we're going to get people that had maybe looked elsewhere back on it, and if we can get competitive tension, that still gives us the opportunity to kind of get close to what you're after. But we need to start fishing where the fish are. And he said that. He used basically that dialogue and he said the vendor said I'm so appreciative. He said I was kind of thinking the same thing, but you know the way you've articulated it. Yeah, let's drop the price, let's get the energy back into it. So, yeah, it's really, really exciting when you sort of are able to get some immediate positive response. So, wordsmiths, you know, it's what you say, it's how you say it. Not many vendors are sitting there saying I think I might give Troy a call this morning. I'll just suggest to him that we reduce the price by 10% 20%. People are going to wait until you say it, even though they might be thinking about it.
Troy Malcolm:Yep, and they might even know it.
Tom Panos:Yeah, Troy and John, and I think when I look at agents with these price alignment discussions, I notice the best of the best. They're not that 80s, 90s, and I know that there are some people that have got this. I'll go in there, I'll tell them 2 million and then I'll pull out my sledgehammer over the next few weeks and hit them. The best agents that do price alignment do it with data and what they do is they prepare people. They'll say something along the lines of this this weekend, your kind of property in your price point in this area should have 15 to 20 groups come through. We should also have X amount of people inquire on Ignite, on REA. If we don't, it means the market is not seeing value and we'll have to have a conversation on that. If it is, it means we're on track. So they prepare them a bit. Like the Stoics say, it's the unexpected that lands heaviest in life. If you prepare them for it, they'll see you as actually being an advisor and not, you know, a commissioned breath cruncher.
John McGrath:Yeah, no spot on. That's absolutely right. So you know, just remember the calls you do make or you don't make. Today you're going to have a massive impact on the next 30 days success. So if you've been avoiding a call role, play it with your sales manager role, play it with your team role, play it with anyone else in your business and get on the phone and you've got to make those price alignment conversations Now if they're required. Sometimes everything's going swimmingly. You don't have to. But a lot of the reason, in fact 90% of the reason listings aren't selling today is the buyer and the seller are 10% apart. So really, really critical. So go on and get on and make those now calls Interesting.
John McGrath:You said that, tom, because Nick Dunn from Willoughby on the panel said the other day that he says that exactly to the vendor. He says, look, if we don't get at least 10 to 15 groups minimum through our pre-VIP open, we've probably overpriced it, because this is going to go to 2,000 people and if they look at it and they look at the lovely photos that we've taken with you and they don't actually want to come to it, it probably means he said so that's. And if he gets three, four or five people turning up. Yeah, he's kind of talking to the vendor about I think we're going to need to realign the price. So very important, troy, it's all out there. You've just got to get better and better at the skills and then you're going to open yourself up to some incredible results in 2025.
Tom Panos:Okay, 25th and 26th of May on the Gold Coast they're the dates of ARIC. That's the venue of ARIC. I have had so many people, I'm not joking, it's in the hundreds, it's not in the tens or twenties. Ring me up. What are the dates? Because there's obviously some people that are a lot more prepared than what I am. I seem to book flights three days before and pay $40, $80 for a flight. There's a lot of smart people out there that go on to Virgin. They'll say I'll take 4pm, fly out of Melbourne, be on the Gold Coast by 5.35, go check in. So that's your sign to go in and get ready for ARIC. Block the date 25th and 26th of May we're working away quietly to deliver a product that is going to be even better than last year, though last year was amazing 5,000 people. I think that we're going to sell it out again, john Troy. Look, last year was amazing 5,000 people. I think that we're going to sell it out again, john Troy, look, can't wait.
Tom Panos:You know 25th, 26th of May, can you please diarise those dates and be smart and get onto your airline tickets? And Troy John, I look forward to working with you both on Million Dollar Agent again for the 12th year in a row and to all our listeners the market is back. Are you back? See you. Thanks, tommy.
John McGrath:See you guys. Thank you Bye.