Million Dollar Agent
Million Dollar Agent
Best tips to maximise your learnings at AREC 2024
Last chance to get tickets to AREC 2024 and empower your personal and professional journey with over 20 of the world's top speakers!
Tom Panos, john McGrath, troy Malcolm, million Dollar Agent. It is ARIC week, grand final week If it was NRL, so pumped and excited. John and Troy. The team at ARIC have told me the numbers. I mean there's still a few tickets left but this is close to a sellout. And this is on Monday. Never seen numbers like this before, john and Troy.
John McGrath:Yeah, I think we're about 96% sold out. We've got a small number left, but please get there, because we literally aren't allowed. If I could allow it, I'd get 6,000 in, but I can't. So please get there. Tickets will sell out. I'm thinking they'll sell out by Thursday or Friday, but don't take the risk. Jump in today. If you're listening to it, it's Monday Tuesday. Get out. Sell out by Thursday or Friday, but don't take the risk. Jump in today. If you're listening to it, it's Monday, tuesday. Get out there and do it.
John McGrath:I think we're going to be talking today about how do you not just Eric, but how do you make the most out of learning, because there are other conferences and other learning opportunities in and out of Australia. I think today, tommy, you've got a few great ideas and we're going to focus on how can you maximize an event like Eric, so you get the most out of it. And I reckon you should lead off, because we're just talking off camera, off audio, and you had some terrific ideas. So if you get started, I reckon Troy and I will then fill in the blanks.
Tom Panos:All right. This all got prompted by an agent asking me a question today. He said, tom, I really want to make this my best Eric ever. And I said, mate, it'll be good. And he goes. Nah, he goes. You know, certain times I sort of miss a few of the sessions or I'll wake up late on the Monday he goes. Give me the template If you were going to a conference, how would you maximize the learning out of the conference? How would you get the best out of Eric? So I thought, man, let's cover this in the podcast. And he's going to listen to the podcast in the next two days. I said listen, we'll give you three answers, not just one. Listen to the podcast in the next two, three days. We'll probably have it up tomorrow. So firstly, john and Troy, I would say go into the conference with a beginner's mind. Don't go in there from a position of judgment. Go in there from a position of curiosity. How will I be better with the information? That would be the first thing.
John McGrath:The second thing Great point, tommy. Can I add to that, though I'd take it to the next level, as we discussed Not only go in with curiosity as opposed to judgment. Go in demanding to get out of the conference those things which you think you're weak on. There are some people that are not strong on networking. There are some people that are not strong on prospecting or cold calling. If they're your things, if you have very clear outcomes, you're more likely to find them on the stage in the trade expo or even just speaking to people. Networking is a bigo or even just speaking to people, networking is a big opportunity there. So number one agree.
Tom Panos:Okay. Number two, I would say when you're sitting down at the conference and you're hearing stuff, your brain can have this sort of loop thinking okay, there's this thing here. This can work in my business. Make a point of highlighting. Probably have a highlighter, different color pen, because as you take copious notes, some notes are more important than the others, so it helps you prioritize.
Tom Panos:The third thing would be don't make it worse than it has to be in the sense that you want to be highly energized in your mindset when you want to be highly energised in your mindset when you're learning, and that means probably getting six to eight hours sleep, probably not consuming too much alcohol, and I know for many people that Sunday it's the night out. We're in a state away from home. With my colleagues, you can still have a great learning experience and still have a social experience and not blow either of them. So I would say just bear in mind nice to bed early so you can be fresh for the next day. But probably the last two points are my biggest ones, and that is on a Tuesday, don't just rush in and have a diary set up with normal business, because there is the possibility that you've got this incredible learning and you know what you know, but are you doing what you know? It needs an execution, implementation timetable.
Tom Panos:So use Tuesday or part of Tuesday to start actioning things. And the last thing get someone in your office your principal, your sales manager or the agent that you get on with and you sort of like each other and spend time and say, listen, I've got these six things. I want to crack into my business. I want you to keep me accountable. I want to meet with you on a weekly basis for the next four weeks and I want to meet with you on a weekly basis for the next four weeks and I want you to check on whether I've done any and whether you've done any. We'll act as co-peer partnering and co-coaching and I think if you did that, from my perspective you'd have a better ARIC experience than if you didn't do those things Now. I'd love to get both of your….
John McGrath:Yeah, tommy, let me add to a couple of those. I mean, as an example, I've already been booked by James Sutton, who's one of our fastest growing agents. He's booked a debriefing with Eric Session Wednesday morning, 7.30, with me and his team. They said they're going to take all the notes, they're going to attend every session, they're going to condense the notes into a page and then they want to discuss because I'm going to coach them anyway, and they said can we make that a debrief session? I totally agree with that, the way I take it. I know, troy, you're one of the world's great note takers. You do a great job there.
John McGrath:Just sharing how I do it is I just take more notes than I have to. I hate hearing something that I love and not writing it. I write down things that are good, but I asterisk things that are game changers and then at the end of it I can quickly go through. When someone says, what are your top five tips from Eric, I just quickly go through about the asterisks. They're the things that I think, man, that's gold. I got to do that. So you know, capture as many notes as you can, but also maybe have a strategy of highlighting, and you said with a highlighter pen, tommy, I just use a biro, because that way you don't have to carry a second pen and I highlight them Troisy. What's some of your ideas on that?
Troy Malcolm:Yeah, I couldn't agree more. Using technology and social media. I think if you leverage what's available to you, even if you are maybe missing one or two points, someone else in the room will grab that point or two points, someone else in the room will grab that point, and so I always have the page open on the ARIC you know Instagram and all other social media with the hashtags that are going around just to see what everyone else is picking up, because you know there's so many great ideas that you get to be involved in the discussion. But you can also start a deeper discussion and connect with even the speakers. Like, we've got some of the best agent speakers in the country right now speaking on stage. What a great way to not only get the notes from them and get their top points, but also connect with them on social media. And if you have another question or a secondary question, most of them are going to be really willing to share their knowledge.
Troy Malcolm:The other thing that I would really focus on is engage actively and network. You mentioned the Trade expo, tom. There is a phenomenal amount of opportunity not only to meet the exhibitors that are there and get a really great grasp on what they're doing and how that tools and technology are going to help you. But the other side of that is just the people that you see walking around. That expo is unbelievable Some of the rock stars of real estate and some of those people who've done things that have changed the game. You're going to get an opportunity to stop and ask them one or two questions and it's a great environment. It's such a great vibe and people are really willing to share and everyone's there with the same appetite for sharing. So I think that's the other thing that I'd talk about.
Troy Malcolm:And then the final one is just prepare in advance. All the speakers are now online. All of their key topics are now online. Highlight which ones you really want to get an understanding of what their message is and then how that can help your business. I reckon there's probably five or six day one that I would love to spend an hour watching, not only the 15, 20 minutes or 45 minutes watching, but having the ability to understand exactly what their topic session's about and then taking the notes and then going away, like you said, and reiterating how's that helped my business and how does that grow. I think if you do those three things, along with what you've both mentioned. It's going to be a really successful Eric, and it's going to change your business over the next 12 months.
John McGrath:Beautiful. Let's finish on who are you most looking forward to and why? Which speaker or panel?
Tom Panos:Troy, you go first Loaded. Gives me a moment to think it through, okay.
Troy Malcolm:So, john, we had someone speak at the event. Well, apart from people like Ryan Serhan and Ryan Reynolds, I think they're going to be highlights of the event because they really do have a big impact on the global market. But, john, there's a couple of other speakers. One person that we have had speak at ARIC before, and I'm so excited to have him back on the program, is Chip Eichenberger. That is one of the highlights I'm really looking forward. He worked with the Tony Robbins Institute and was kind of Tony Robbins' point man for a very long period of time, so I'm really looking forward to seeing him. I'm really looking forward to also catching up and seeing because I've seen them speak before, but go back and have a look is Mark Burris. I think he will be very good. He's the final speaker on day two, so those two I'm really excited.
John McGrath:If you don't listen to his podcast, you're crazy. Straight Talk I think you might do two or three of them actually, but Straight Talk is an extraordinary. He's one of the great interviewers in the country. I reckon, tommy, and I agree, troy, I'm going to take the obvious one, ryan Serhant, the world's number one agent, here live in person. Bigger than Texas, he's a vibrant personality. He's come from a decade ago, starting in the industry without much success in the early stages to being now the world's number one.
John McGrath:His half an hour last year at ARIC via Zoom was extraordinary, and I reckon, if you're going to sit in the audience and listen to him for about an hour and a half, I think it is, or an hour or so each day, man, you could be day one in the industry. Listen to Sirhan, take three, four pages of notes and just speed up through the ranks. So you're right. Detroit it's hard to name one because there's so many great speakers. Tom, have you thought of your favorite?
Tom Panos:look, um, sir hand, but you've covered. I'm picking sir hand because I saw the impact sir hand had with half an hour on a video, so I'm trying to work out what impact will he have when he's in person. I've got to say that again because I still get DMs on a daily basis. Is Sirhan live or virtual? He is live and he's live both days, and the reason I picked Sirhan is because of his impact last year. But I also I've got to tell you I just finished a Zoom listening to a presentation from Megan Muir, from Place and all our local speakers. I got to tell you in my 30 minutes and I'm the king plagiarist I listen, I listen and I'm stealing every bit of information that I think is red hot and share it. She gave me three questions. I'll give you one of them. She said to me Tom, my sales went up immediately when I just added one more question to my buyer qualification, which is hey, I want to let you know the home I want to show you has a family living in there and it's really chaotic. They've only asked to bring in highly qualified buyers. I'm curious if this home is suitable, will you be looking to make an offer on it, right. And she said to me Tom, I've got to tell you my conversion rate for buyer inspections to sale has gone much higher because I'm working with high-quality buyers. And look, probably the last thing that I want to touch on before we leave is we all know, and Gavin said to me, I'm having dinner with Diamond Titties on Sunday. You know it's a smart thing to catch up with people that you want to catch up with. He goes when you can't see them the other time. So I think we spoke about it off air gentlemen, you can make times with people and catch up. It's a great networking opportunity. They're going to be there Many of them there are even there on the Tuesday but an opportunity to catch up, send them a text message. And the expo hall to me is yes, you go there for lunch and you go there for a coffee, but I've got to tell you you can't get such a wide helicopter view of what's hot and what's innovative in real estate anywhere faster than the ARIC Trade Expo. Right and quick plug if you come to my stand, number five, susan's convinced me to let ARIC people, only on those two days, join the gym for a dollar and give it a test run for two weeks to see whether they like it. So come over to stand number five and you can actually get a real estate gym membership Never done it before for $1.
Tom Panos:Troy and John, I look forward to seeing you there. We're going to be side of stage. You're going to have your pen and paper there. John Troy's going to have his iPad with his good notes. He's always got his good notes with different colors, right, so true. And then there's going to be me asking for all your notes on Tuesday, because I get everyone's notes. We do that on a Tuesday. John and Troy, next time we're talking on a podcast, we'll be doing a summary and a debrief of what the highlights were. We always do it. We might do it in one, we might do it in two podcasts, but looking forward to seeing it. If you haven't got a ticket yet, you have a chance. John said 4% tickets left. I think you'll still be able to get flights. Gold Coast is the best place in Australia to fly into, both for flights and for cost of flights. It is unbelievable.
John McGrath:Also, tommy. Someone said to me oh, it's too late to get a ticket. I said no. A it's not, but B is, if flights are tough, fly into Brisbane, brisbane's only an extra 15 minutes to get to the venue.
John McGrath:So there's plenty of flights, there's accommodation within a short drive, or walk preferably, and there's a couple hundred tickets left and they'll be gone shortly, so jumping. I actually think it's going to be a three podcast debrief because there's going to be I think there's 20 odd speakers, 22, 23 speakers, some of the best in the world. All are going to be great. I don't know how we're going to summarize that into two, but we'll do our best. But I reckon it's going to be three sessions debriefing. So everyone, get there, we'll see you. The whole nation, not beyond the nation, actually, it's also Australasia. We've also got some overseas visitors, troy, that are coming to visit us tomorrow before Eric.
Troy Malcolm:Yep.
John McGrath:And it's going to be extraordinary. So please get there. Get there for yourself, not for us. Have a ball and we